A quote to live by.

"Our character is what we do when we think that no one is looking."
-H. Jackson Browne

Sunday, April 6, 2014

It Is Over For All Of Us, But One...

And the winner is Andrew!!!
His years of persistence finally paid off.
He delivered an old fashioned beat down to the rest of us and may not be done.
If UConn wins on Monday, I would consider his win to be a total rout.
Congratulations, Andrew!

The only bracketeer who can score any more points is our champion, so the current standings are the final standings.

Congratulations, also, go out to Jason for 2nd place and Matt for 3rd place.

Payouts are as follows:
  1. Andrew - $90.00
  2. Jason - $37.50
  3. Matt - $22.50
Thank you, everyone, for playing again this year.
It was fun and, hopefully, we will do it again next year.

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